3 Steps to Answering (Almost) Any Question: Job Interview Skills

Journal Entries

About this document


At key moments in the Bodyswaps experience, useful notes are added to the learner’s virtual journal as a memory prompt that they can refer back to, as and when required.

In VR, learners access their journal by looking at their avatar’s left hand. On other devices, it can be accessed via a ‘burger menu’ in the top left corner of the screen.

This document collates the journal entries in relation to the individual activities for this course.

Introduction and self-reflection

3 steps to answering (almost) any question


Demonstrate suitability for the role using the C.A.R. technique


  • The secret to great storytelling
  • See C.A.R. in context
  • Tell your own stories
  • Communicate clearly

The secret to great storytelling

The secret to great storytelling

C = Context

A = Action

R = Result

Applying C.A.R. to different questions

Answering (almost) any question

Here’s where the magic happens…

The C.A.R. technique can be applied to almost any question.

The trick is to think about what the interviewer wants to learn from your answer.

Your story bank

Your story bank

Story bank = a collection of case studies.

These should be stories where you are at the centre of the action.

Stories could describe:

  • A meaningful experience
  • A successful collaboration
  • A challenge that you overcame
  • An award you received

Your story bank

Story inspiration

Some ideas to help you come up with more stories…

Consider talking about a time when you:

  • Solved a problem
  • Overcame a challenge
  • Learned from a mistake
  • Took responsibility
  • Worked well in a team
  • Had an interesting experience

Practising with C.A.R.

Using the C.A.R. technique

Demonstrate suitability for the role using the C.A.R. technique

  1. Prepare some stories that illustrate qualities that you want to showcase
  2. Listen to the interview question and choose the most suitable story from your storybank
  3. Structure the story with:
  • A beginning that sets the context
  • A middle that describes the actions you took
  • An end that highlights the results of your action