Communicating in a Person-Centred Way:
Get to Know Each Individual

Journal Entries

About this document

Journal interface with navigation menu and welcome instructions.

At pertinent moments in the Bodyswaps experience, useful notes are added to the learner’s virtual journal as a memory prompt that they can refer back as and when required. 

In VR, learners access their journal by looking at their avatar’s left hand. On other devices, it can be accessed via a ‘burger menu’ in the top left corner of the screen. 

The full journal can be downloaded from our portal upon completion of the module, complete with relevant hyperlinks to online material, which cannot be accessed for practical reasons while in the VR simulation.    

This document collates the journal entries in relation to the individual activities.


Get to know each individual


Discover the benefits of getting to know each person you care for as an individual


  • Reflect on how well you currently adopt a person-centred approach
  • Build the self-esteem of those in your care
  • Support their sense of identity
  • Practise exploring each individual’s history, preferences, wishes, and needs

Your person-centred approach

The eight person-centred values

Our communication should demonstrate the eight person-centred values:

  • Individuality
  • Choice
  • Independence
  • Rights
  • Privacy
  • Dignity
  • Respect
  • Partnership

Your person-centred approach

  • It’s the little things that make a difference!
  • Be curious about the person in your care.
  • Respond in ways that will make their care more relevant to them.
  • Communication is about building relationships.

Take an interest and build self-esteem

Patient notes and observations – Sandra, age 54

Notes and observations

  • Recovering from cardiac by-pass surgery
  • Expected stay: 8 days. Today is day 4
  • Physical recovery is going well
  • Hasn’t been eating much
  • Low mood – may feel lonely

Reason for visit

General wellbeing check, take lunch order.

Examples of person-centred communication

  • Asking about someone’s preferred name.
  • Asking about their preferences and needs.
  • Exploring their wishes.
  • Showing an interest in them and their life.
  • Discovering information about their history and care needs.
  • Exploring their likes and dislikes.

Explore each person’s unique identity

Patient notes and observations – Ameera, age 23

  • Notes and observations

    • Spinal injury, paralysed from waist down
    • Pain: neck and back. Painkillers from nurse every 4 hours
    • Can move around unaided but lacks confidence
    • Knows how to empty her catheter. Has had a few leaks
    • Needs regular bloods. Finds it distressing

    Reason for visit

    General wellbeing check