Landing the Perfect Job: Job Interview Skills

Journal entries

About this document

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At key moments in the Bodyswaps experience, useful notes are added to the learner’s virtual journal as a memory prompt that they can refer back to, as and when required.

In VR, learners access their journal by looking at their avatar’s left hand. On other devices, it can be accessed via a ‘burger menu’ in the top left corner of the screen.

This document collates the journal entries in relation to the individual activities for this course.

Introduction and self-reflection

Landing the perfect job


Craft relevant, memorable and succinct answers to character-based questions


  • Identify your needs
  • Showcase your strengths
  • Craft convincing, compelling answers
  • Communicate clearly

The best strategy

The best strategy


The purpose of an interview is to find out if you are a good fit for the position - and if the position is a good fit for you.

The best interview strategy is to advocate for what you need with the qualities you know they need.

Your non-negotiables

Your non-negotiables and natural strengths

Your non-negotiables:

  • Clear purpose
  • Clear briefs
  • Sense of completion or achievement


Your natural strengths:

  • Logical
  • Level-headed
  • Results-oriented

Your non-negotiables:

  • Work in a team / opportunities to socialise
  • Customer-facing
  • Feel appreciated and acknowledged


Your natural strengths:

  • People person
  • Sociable
  • Caring

Your non-negotiables:

  • Solve problems and flex reasoning skills
  • Logical rationale for tasks
  • Variety


Your natural strengths:

  • Objective
  • Independent
  • Problem-solving

Your non-negotiables:

  • Creative outlet
  • Avoid highly critical or competitive environment
  • Meaningful work for an ethical employer


Your natural strengths:

  • Creative
  • Empathic
  • Innovative

Depending on the learner’s outcome in this topic’s likert-style activity, they will receive one of the four journal entries above. 

Identify your strengths

Using profiling tools

Profiling tools are a useful way to reflect on your attitudes and priorities, but they’re not hard science. If their assessment rings true, great! If not, take what connects with you and leave the rest.   

If you’d like to know more about the personal characteristics that make you who you are, you might like to try one of the free online profiling tools available.

Further reading

Our top 5 recommendations are:

16 Personalities

Big Five Personality test

The PATH Assessment

DiSC personality test

Holland Code (RIASEC) Test

Identify your strengths

Identifying your strengths

Identifying your strengths

Strengths come from different places

  • Discipline - skills that you’ve acquired through education and experience, such as computer literacy, languages, study areas, job-specific skills...
  • Aptitude - transferable skills like communication and people skills, analytical thinking, problem solving or organisation.
  • Personality - qualities that best describe you (e.g. enthusiastic, flexible, warm, dependable, conscientious…)

Example strengths

In case you need inspiration we added some example strengths below:

Creative, curious, intelligent, brave, courageous, hard working, honest, energetic, enthusiastic, caring, collaborative, team worker, kind, generous, compassionate, responsible, loyal, objective, leader, organised, forgiving, humble, careful, disciplined, positive, friendly, optimistic, funny, technical, problem solver, negotiator, persuasive, writing skills, communication, speaking, adaptable, willing, helpful, analytical, passionate, punctual, effective, polite.


Crafting convincing, compelling answers

Convincing and compelling answers

To craft a winning answer…

Connect your qualities with the purpose of the company and role you’re applying for and:

  • Make yourself more memorable
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the company purpose
  • Highlight your most significant qualifications
  • Connect the company with your future ambitions
  • Introduce your non-negotiables
  • Emphasise your strengths


A three-step strategy

Here’s our strategy for landing the perfect job:

  • Identify your needs
  • Showcase your strengths
  • Craft convincing, compelling answers that connect your characteristics with the role and company purpose