TeamSTEPPS® Simulator

Tutor Notes  |  Estimated module duration: 25 minutes

About this document

A core part of any healthcare worker’s role is collaborating with others, including professions that differ from their own. To help prepare staff to work interprofessionally, the industry-recognised TeamSTEPPS® tools and techniques are widely taught. 


However: this robust toolkit isn’t always fulfilling its true potential.


Nurses often learn the theory of TeamSTEPPS®, but then have limited opportunities to try applying what they know in a real-world context. They end up lacking the experience and confidence to use the tools in their daily life.


Our TeamSTEPPS® Simulator helps to bridge that gap between theory and practice. Its interactive, true-to-life scenarios provide a unique opportunity for learners to practice using five key TeamSTEPPS® tools, and become better prepared for collaboration in healthcare.

This document provides an overview of each of the learning activities featured in this programme, including:

Key objective and goals

Estimated duration

Purpose of the activities



Journal entries

Video walkthroughs

What is TeamSTEPPS®?

TeamSTEPPS® (Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance & Patient Safety 3.0) is an evidence-based set of tools and techniques, designed to optimize collaboration between healthcare staff and improve the delivery of care. 


It develops four key skills (communication, leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support), equipping staff to handle industry-wide interprofessional challenges. 


Our TeamSTEPPS® Simulator is designed for those who already know what these tools look like on paper, but have yet to try putting the knowledge into action. As such, the experience focuses on helping learners practice a selection of the tools, rather than learn about them. 


Learners who have little to no prior TeamSTEPPS® training are equally encouraged to try out the simulator. They’ll encounter interprofessional situations that are challenging without the right strategies, which helps them recognise how certain TeamSTEPPS® tools could power up their interprofessional skills.


Module structure

This 25 minute module contains 4 interactive scenarios, which test the learner’s ability to navigate various interprofessional situations using TeamSTEPPS® tools. 

The scenarios are based around the five most commonly-used tools, as identified by our expert advisor Sam Smith – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and TeamSTEPPS® master trainer (completed training 3.0).

The 4 scenarios are bookended by an induction at the start and a debrief with the virtual AI-powered coach, Nurse Sam, at the end. The module fully concludes with a standard exit survey.

It is a linear experience, meaning the learner will be guided step by step through all the activities by the virtual coach. We recommend that learners fully interact with each activity to get the full benefit.

Completion times for each topic are set out on the diagram below, although they may vary depending on whether the learner chooses to repeat topics to explore different options or fine-tune their freeform responses.

Learner Journey



Key learning goals and outcomes

Learning outcome

Practice using TeamSTEPPS® tools for interprofessional collaboration in healthcare.

Learning goals

Learning Goals_Icon_Target

Communicating patient information concisely

Learning Goals_Icon_Target

Closing communication gaps

Learning Goals_Icon_Target

Raising clinical concerns

Learning Goals_Icon_Target

Giving and receiving task assistance

Learning Goals_Icon_Target

Being a situational leader

A word about terminology

As a medium, Virtual Reality is not best suited to didactic teaching methods. 

However, our intention is that all Bodyswaps modules follow a student-centred constructivist pedagogy. This means creating rich experiences in which learners can explore key concepts and ideas and reach their own conclusions. 

This is why our documents speak in terms of learning goals and outcomes, rather than measurable ‘learning objectives’ (a la Bloom’s Taxonomy) per se.

Nurse Sam

Nurse Sam

AI-Powered Coach

Meet Nurse Sam: your personal AI-powered coach

Feedback and self-reflection during in-person healthcare simulations are often facilitated by a tutor or coach. In this TeamSTEPPS® module, our AI-powered coach, Nurse Sam, provides the next best thing. 

Nurse Sam guides the learner through the activities in each topic, and consolidates LLM-powered, AI-analyses of their performance. After each activity, she provides words of praise or advice, depending on how well they harnessed certain TeamSTEPPS® tools and techniques to handle the situation, and awards them a badge for each one they successfully use.

Then, at the end of the module, she offers concluding thoughts and produces a personalized learner report, which can be accessed via Bodyswaps Go. 

This personalized report collates all the learner’s results from throughout the activities, outlining what they did well and where they can improve in the context of the TeamSTEPPS® tools. This helps both you and the learner understand what additional training and practice they’d benefit from.

Meet the team

Throughout the simulation, the learner’s interprofessional skills are put to work when interacting with their various virtual colleagues.
Nurse Tala

Nurse Tala

Registered Nurse

Nurse Zachary

Nurse Zachary

Registered Nurse

Dr Huan

Dr. Huan

Attending Physician, Cardiology

Dr Grace

Dr. Grace

Attending Physician, Internal Medicine

Nurse Peter

Nurse Peter

Registered Nurse

Meet the patients

The learner encounters these patients and their loved ones throughout the simulation.


Patient admitted for caffeine overdose



Kevin’s girlfriend



Patient with a suspected chest infection



Emmanuel’s son in law



Patient who recently had a stroke



Patient in cardiac arrest


IPE_centralNursingStation_3840x2160_A 1

Central nursing station

The learner meets the virtual coach, Nurse Sam in this central nursing station. Here, she introduces the module to the learner and later debriefs with them. The learner also interacts with various virtual colleagues here.

IPE_hospitalReception_3840x2160_B 1

Hospital reception

A hospital reception area, where the learner watches an interaction between triage nurse Tala, patient Kevin, and his girlfriend Joanna.


Consultation room

A private consultation space, where the learner listens in as Dr Grace tries to understand what’s wrong with patient Emmanuel.


Patient room

A small, private room, where the learner works with their various colleagues to progress the care for patients Kevin, Melaina, and Zhuri.



Familiarize the learner with the Bodyswaps environment and prepare them for the experience to come

Tutor room




*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

The first time learners use Bodyswaps, this onboarding sequence familiarises them with the features of the app, takes them through an avatar selection and embodiment activity, and prepares them for the experience to come.

In the onboarding, learners will:

  • Find out how this training is different from the rest
  • Select their avatar
  • Discover their virtual journal
  • Learn how to navigate and use the tools and settings

Welcome to Summerview


Introduce the module and prepare the learner for the support they’ll receive from Nurse Sam throughout the experience. 


Central nursing station


Nurse Sam





*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

After the onboarding activity, the learner meets their virtual coach, Nurse Sam, in the central nursing station at Summerview Hospital. She talks about how much she loves collaborating with different professions in her role, but it comes with all sorts of challenges. 

The learner is then invited to answer a few quick multiple-choice questions about how they feel doing collaborative tasks – like sharing patient information, raising concerns, and taking the lead in emergencies. This encourages self-reflection and activates working memory to prepare them for the simulations to come. 

After the questions, Sam explains that TeamSTEPPS® can help healthcare teams to collaborate more effectively, and handle the challenges she mentioned. It can reduce the risk of medical errors, improve the standard of care, and make the team feel better connected. That’s why she runs this simulation at Summerview Hospital: so nurses have a safe space to practice using key TeamSTEPPS® tools.

But learners don’t need to worry if they aren’t familiar with the tools. This simulation will help them discover how the tools can help them.  

Sam also says she’ll be reviewing their performance throughout the simulation. She’ll provide feedback along the way and in the debrief at the end.  

Now, the learner’s first shift is about to start. But before they go, Sam shows them her messaging system, which she’ll use this throughout the module to send the learner helpful guidance and feedback. 

Topic 1a – Kevin’s collapse


Practice using the TeamSTEPPS® tool SBAR to concisely communicate patient information 


Summerview Hospital reception, private patient room


Tala, Kevin, Joanna, Zachary



*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

This topic begins with the learner watching a conversation between Kevin, Joanna, and triage nurse Tala in Summerview’s reception. This helps set the scene for the learner and prepares them for the upcoming activity. 

Kevin is seated nearby while Joanna tells Tala why they’re here: Kevin is struggling with a racing heart, head rushes, and feeling out of breath. As Joanna finishes explaining, Kevin starts feeling dizzy – and faints.

Moving on, the learner finds themselves at Kevin’s bedside, where they take on the role of his admitting nurse. Nurse Sam messages them with details about Kevin’s diagnosis, current vitals, and next steps. 

Now, the learner’s goal is to provide Charge Nurse Zachary with a clear and concise update about Kevin’s condition using the TeamSTEPPS® tool SBAR

The learner does this by speaking in their own words. Behind the scenes, AI technology analyzes their response to determine whether they’re following the SBAR method appropriately.

After one of a possible three different replies from Zachary, the learner can retry their response or move on. Once they proceed, Nurse Sam gives feedback about their performance, and awards them an ‘SBAR badge’ if they successfully used the technique.

Topic 1b – Kevin’s discharge


Practice using the TeamSTEPPS® tool Check-Back to close communication gaps


Private patient room


Kevin, Dr Huan





*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

It’s the learner’s next shift, and the topic begins with them watching Dr Huan wrap up a conversation with Kevin. Dr Huan explains that the learner is going to coordinate his discharge as the supporting nurse.

Dr Huan then outlines Kevin’s treatment and discharge plan to the learner, such as his medication needs and when to return for a follow up appointment. 

To move the activity forwards, the learner must then select one of three options: 

  1. Got it, thank you Huan.
  2. Could you repeat all that for me please? 
  3. Can I confirm those details with you Huan?

A moves the learner straight onto Nurse Sam’s feedback at the end of the topic. B repeats Huan’s explanation, before returning to the three options. 

C prompts the learner to speak in their own voice, and their goal is to use the TeamSTEPPS® tool Check-Back in their response.  

As they speak, AI technology analyses if they’re checking back all the key details that Huan shared. The learner elicits different replies from Huan, such as him correcting any details they get wrong, or confirming if what they said is correct. They can choose to redo their answer if they want to practice again. 

Before moving onto the next topic, the learner receives another concluding message from Nurse Sam about their performance, and a ‘Check-Back badge’ if they successfully checked back all the key details.

Topic 2 – Emmanuel’s cough


Practice using the TeamSTEPPS® tool CUS to raise clinical concerns


Consultation room, central nursing station


Emmanuel, Derek, Dr Grace





*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

The next patient the learner meets is Emmanuel, a Spanish-speaking man with a bad cough. The learner watches as Dr Grace examines him, with Emmanuel’s son-in-law Derek providing basic interpretation. When Dr Grace leaves to order medication, the learner sees Emmanuel coughing up blood.

Nurse Sam sends the learner a message, wondering if Dr Grace got a full picture of Emmanuel’s condition, and asks them what they want to do. The learner respond with one of the following options: 

  1. I shouldn’t get involved – Dr Grace knows best.
  2. I should ask Dr Grace if we got enough information.
  3. I should raise a concern with Dr Grace.

A moves the learner straight onto Nurse Sam’s feedback at the end of the topic. B prompts Dr Grace to say that she thinks they have a pretty full picture, and the learner then returns to the three options. 

The ideal response is option C. This prompts them to speak to Dr Grace in their own words, giving them the opportunity to use the TeamSTEPPS® tool CUS to raise a concern about Emmanuel’s bleeding and the language barrier. Behind the scenes, AI technology checks if they correctly applied the CUS method.

Dr Grace responds differently depending on whether or not the learner used CUS. The learner can then try again, if they wish. Once they move on, Nurse Sam provides feedback about their performance, and awards them with a ‘CUS badge’ if they succeeded.

Topic 3 – Working with Tala and Peter


Practice following the principles of the TeamSTEPPS® tool Task Assistance to give and receive team support


Central nursing station, private patient room


Nurse Tala, Nurse Peter, Melaina





*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

In this activity, the learner faces two scenarios: one where they receive team support and one where they give it. 

In the first scenario, Nurse Sam lets the learner know it’s time for lunch, but they still have outstanding tasks. They need to seek support from Charge Nurse Tala to redistribute their workload. In the second scenario, the learner must decide whether or not to proactively offer team support when they have some spare time, and decide how to respond when Nurse Peter asks for assistance with his patient, Melaina.

When speaking to Tala and Peter, the learner’s goal is to choose affirming or proactive responses, which follow the principles of the TeamSTEPPS® tool Task Assistance. Each response they choose has a score based on whether it would uplift or diminish team morale. 

Peter and Tala respond differently depending on the learner’s choices. Affirming, proactive responses elicit positive reactions. But diminishing or self-focused ones annoy or upset them, reducing the team’s sense of camaraderie.

The learner can also choose options that avoid asking for or offering help altogether. Charge Nurse Tala identifies that the learner needs support, even if they choose not to seek her help, meaning they still have a chance to interact with her. However, declining to assist Nurse Peter takes them straight to the end of the activity, skipping their opportunity to practice talking to him. 

When the learner reaches the end of the activity, the final score from all their responses is tallied. This determines the feedback they now receive from Nurse Sam, and whether or not she awards them a ‘Task Assistance’ badge. They must choose all the best responses to achieve this badge. 

Topic 4 – Zhuri’s cardiac arrest


Practice following the principles of the TeamSTEPPS® tool Call-Out to organize a team as a situational leader


Private patient room


Zhuri, Nurse Tala, Nurse Zachary, Nurse Peter



*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

This topic opens with the learner witnessing patient Zhuri falling unconscious. Nurse Sam guides the learner through some pop-up interactions to raise the alarm, check her pulse, and discover that she’s gone into cardiac arrest. 

The response team of Tala, Zachary, and Peter arrive, and Nurse Sam prompts a ‘time out’ to prepare the learner for the upcoming activity. She tells them it’s time to lead the resuscitation effort as the situational leader, and then provides some details about the three primary roles that need fulfilling: chest compressions, airway management, and defibrillation pads. 

The learner is now prompted to speak aloud to talk to Tala, Zachary, and Peter. Their goal is to follow the principles of the TeamSTEPPS® tool Call-Out and assign the three primary roles to the team. 

As the learner speaks, AI analyzes if they’re successfully achieving this goal. Once they finish giving their response to the team, Tala, Zachary, and Peter will respond accordingly – either confirming their assigned role, or sounding uncertain about what to do. 

If the learner is unsuccessful at assigning the roles, Nurse Sam offers feedback and a hint about the role of a situational leader, then invites them to try again if they wish. If the learner succeeds in using Call-Out for all the roles, Sam will congratulate them and award them with a ‘Call-Out badge’.

Debrief with Nurse Sam


Debrief the learner upon completion of the training and prompt self-reflection

Tutor room

Nurse Sam



*Varies depending on the learner's choices and interactions

The learner’s time at Summerview Hospital comes to a close, and they rejoin Nurse Sam back in the central nursing station to debrief. She firstly offers some concluding thoughts about how challenging the last few shifts must have felt, and congratulates them for making it through. 

Next, she provides the learner with an overall TeamSTEPPS® ranking, based on how many of the tools they successfully used: 

  • Expert: All 5 
  • Competent: 4 or 3 
  • Advanced Beginner: 2 or 1
  • Novice: 0 

A pop-up panel then displays the TeamSTEPPS® badges, indicating which ones they achieved, and the learner can select which they’d like to receive feedback about. For each one, Sam talks through the learner’s outcome, providing thoughts on where they did well and where they could improve.

For example, if they successfully used the TeamSTEPPS® tool SBAR during Topic 1, she’ll congratulate them and reiterate the power of using the tool. But if they didn’t, she’ll offer advice about how using SBAR could’ve made their patient update more clear and concise. 

This feedback will then be accessible beyond the simulation in a personalized learner report, helping you as the tutor or facilitator to see which TeamSTEPPS® tools the learner used well and which they’d benefit from practicing further. 

As the debrief draws to an end, Sam congratulates them once again and reminds them they can come back to the simulation to practice anytime.

Personalized learner report

As the learner completes each topic, the overall results of their performance and the badges they achieved is collated into a personalized report that you can access via Bodyswaps Go. As it’s populated topic by topic, you and the learner can reflect on results for individual activities before full completion of the module, if you wish. 


The learner will achieve one of two outcomes for each activity on the report: ‘Success’ or ‘Needs Practice’, accompanied by an actionable set of feedback. This feedback helps you understand which TeamSTEPPS® tools the learner did or didn’t successfully use, and where they could improve with further training and practice. 


The report also includes LLM-generated feedback for each activity, based on the learner’s individual performance. For example, LLM feedback for the SBAR activity offers insight into how they succeeded or struggled to follow the communication technique.


After the learner fully completes the module, a fresh playthrough will generate a brand new report. 


No voice recordings or full transcripts of what the learner says are included in the report.