TeamSTEPPS® toolkit: SBAR
Tutor notes
Healthcare providers share a lot of information with one another on a daily basis. It’s a fundamental part of teamwork and patient care. But many nurses struggle with structuring what they need to say in a comprehensive, yet digestible way.
The TeamSTEPPS® technique SBAR can help nurses to communicate patient information and nursing judgements with cohesion and clarity. It elevates their ability to collaborate with other healthcare professionals, and ultimately optimize patient outcomes.
In this interactive module, learners discover and practice using this four-part communication formula. Their virtual coaches will guide them through how to organize patient information using each step. Then, in a true-to-life scenario, the learner will roleplay with a virtual attending physician to provide a patient update using SBAR, gaining essential practice in preparation to use the technique in their daily life.
About this resource
Key learner outcome and goals
Learning outcome
Feel prepared to share patient information using the SBAR communication formula.
Learning goals
- Identify the four SBAR components for organizing patient information
- Apply the SBAR tool in practice to progress a patient’s care
A word about terminology
As a medium, Virtual Reality is not best suited to didactic teaching methods.
However, our intention is that all Bodyswaps modules follow a student-centered constructivist pedagogy. This means creating rich experiences in which learners can explore key concepts and ideas and reach their own conclusions.
This is why our documents speak in terms of learning goals and outcomes, rather than measurable ‘learning objectives’ (a la Bloom’s Taxonomy) per se.
What is TeamSTEPPS®?
TeamSTEPPSⓇ – Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety 3.0 – is an industry-recognised, evidence-based collection of teamwork tools and techniques. It’s designed to optimize collaboration between healthcare staff and improve the delivery of care.
The framework helps to develop four key skills (communication, leadership, situation monitoring, and mutual support), equipping staff to handle industry-wide interprofessional challenges.
This module gives learners a safe space to learn and practice a key communication skill from the TeamSTEPPSⓇ framework: SBAR.
We worked with subject matter expert Sam Smith – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and TeamSTEPPSⓇ master trainer (completed training 3.0) – to ensure the medical scenarios and application of the technique in this module are realistic and engaging.
TeamSTEPPS® Simulator
Our TeamSTEPPS® Simulator module provides an opportunity for learners to practice five key tools (SBAR, Check-Back, CUS, Task Assistance, and Call-Out) in a series of interactive, true-to-life freeform activities. It’s a virtual roleplaying space where nurses can gain essential experience and build confidence in using the tools.
But nurses have varying levels of preparedness in these tools, and may not be ready to put their skills to the test.
For that reason, we’ve designed a collection of short modules – our TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit – which act as a companion to the Simulator. The modules in the Toolkit allow nurses to explore the theory behind these five techniques, providing scaffolded learning and practice before or after they enter the TeamSTEPPS® Simulator. This module takes a closer look at SBAR.
Aside from a playground in which nurses can hone their skills, the TeamSTEPPS® Simulator can also be used as a competency test for assessing performance before and after enrollment in the TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit modules. All learners who play the Simulator receive an LLM-powered personalized report of their overall use of the tools, helping you understand where they excel and where they may need further training and practice.
Module structure
The complete journey takes the learner through two interactive topics, as well as ancillary activities such as introduction, self-reflection, debrief and the exit survey.
It is a linear experience, meaning the learner will be guided step by step through all the activities by the virtual coaches.
We recommend that learners fully interact with each activity to get the full benefit.
It is estimated that each topic will take the learner approximately 5 minutes to complete, although completion times vary depending on whether the learner chooses to fine-tune their freeform responses.
Learner journey

Nurse Carlos
Virtual coach.webp?width=240&height=350&name=33_DrGrace_Avatar_Female%20(8).webp)
Dr. Grace
Attending physicianEnvironments

Hospital tutor room
Central nursing station
The first time learners use Bodyswaps, an onboarding sequence familiarises them with the features of the app, takes them through an avatar selection and embodiment activity, and prepares them for the experience to come.
In the onboarding, learners will:
- Find out how this training is different from the rest
- Select their avatar
- Discover their virtual journal
- Learn how to navigate and use the tools and settings

To introduce the module and virtual coaches to the learner and complete self-reflection on current confidence levels
The learner meets their virtual coaches, Nurse Sam and Nurse Carlos, in the tutor room of Summerview Hospital.
Sam and Carlos start by openly discussing the challenges of providing clear patient updates to other healthcare providers, sharing their personal stories along the way. This helps the learner feel connected to the coaches and psychologically safe. It also activates working memory by prompting them to think about their own experiences.
The coaches then reveal the solution to their communication challenges – the TeamSTEPPS® tool SBAR – which they’re going to help the learner explore and practice today.
Before the learner begins their first activity, they’re invited to complete a short, likert-style self-reflection survey, to indicate how confident they feel about the following key learning points:
- Identifying the four components of SBAR
- Applying the SBAR tool in practice yourself
These self-reflection questions are repeated in the debrief at the end, to assess how the learner’s confidence levels have changed.
To guide the learner through the SBAR structure
In this activity, coaches Sam and Carlos firstly walk the learner through SBAR (situation, background, assessment, and recommendation) and discuss why it’s a winning formula. With SBAR, team members can share information with one another in a digestible, actionable way, helping everyone to progress their patients’ care.
The coaches show the learner how to best organize patient information and a nursing assessment into each section – providing practical examples as they go. Throughout the module, the learner can find summaries of the coaches’ advice and practical examples of SBAR in their journal.
Then, the learner has a go at stringing together four statements for themselves about a virtual patient, Jenna, in line with each part of SBAR.
Over four, three-option multiple choice questions, the learner’s goal is to choose the statement about Jenna that best fits S in the first MCQ exchange, B in the second, and so on. Throughout the activity, the learner can see Jenna’s chart on a TV screen.
Incorrect options prompt feedback from the coaches about why their selection wasn’t the best choice. The learner then tries again. When they select the right option, they receive positive reinforcement from the coaches before moving onto the next MCQ, meaning that by the end they will have formed an effective SBAR statement for progressing Jenna’s care.
Their complete SBAR update about Jenna goes into their journal as another example to refer to throughout the rest of the module.
For learners to practice passing on patient information with SBAR in their own words
Nurse Sam, Nurse Carlos, Dr. Grace
In this activity, the learner practices using SBAR in a freeform conversation. They move to the central nursing station, where one of the attending physicians at Summerview Hospital, Dr. Grace, awaits a patient update to help coordinate the next steps. The patient, Eli, is recovering from hip replacement surgery, but reports persistent surgical pain that isn’t responding to medication.
The learner’s goal is to give a clear, concise update about Eli using SBAR over four exchanges, this time in their own words. SBAR is delivered as one single statement in real life, but in this activity, the learner will give an ‘S’ statement in the first exchange, ‘B’ in the second, and so on, to help them get the hang of each section.
Throughout the activity, a computer monitor displays Eli’s chart, helping the learner identify what to share with Dr. Grace. The challenge for them is how they’ll organize the key details into S, B, A and R.
Additionally, a clipboard next to the computer monitor displays a checklist of SBAR. Each letter is ticked as the learner correctly uses each part, giving them visual feedback of their performance.
In each exchange, AI technology determines whether or not they successfully used the right part of SBAR to share the information and give a nursing judgment. They receive different responses from Dr Grace and text feedback from the coaches depending on what they said, which provides guidance on how well they did and how to get back on track, if needed.
The learner repeats each exchange until they succeed. If they end up struggling, they can move on to the debrief with the coaches at any time.
When they succeed in all four exchanges, Dr. Grace confirms that she’ll arrange a pain management consultation with Eli, now prepared with the information she needs to progress his care. The learner then proceeds to debrief with Sam and Carlos.
To debrief with the virtual coaches upon completion of the module and repeat self-reflection on confidence levels
Hospital tutor room
The learner rejoins Sam and Carlos in the hospital tutor room. They receive one of two possible outcomes, depending on whether or not they successfully gave Dr. Grace an SBAR update about Eli.
If the learner was successful, Sam and Carlos congratulate them for using the technique to communicate Eli’s care needs to Dr. Grace and helping to progress his care.
If the learner struggled and had to move on from the activity, the coaches offer reassurance and encourage the learner to keep practicing. They explain that it can take time to get used to adapting your communication style to SBAR.
The coaches then offer some closing thoughts about the technique, encouraging the learner to continue applying it in their daily lives. Then, they ask them to complete the same confidence survey from the start.
Assess the effectiveness of the training itself
Before the learner leaves the module, they are asked to complete a short survey about their experience.
This data helps us to assess the effectiveness of our product and identify any areas that need improvement. Clients also find it beneficial when assessing ROI.
They are asked to mark whether they agree or disagree with the following statements, on a 10 point scale:
- I would recommend this experience to others.
- The experience helped me identify how to improve my communication skills when giving patient information to other care providers.
- I now have a better understanding of how to use the TeamSTEPPS® tool SBAR to share patient information.