Adding your Support or Facilitator contact to automated Bodyswaps Go emails

You can now customise the automated Bodyswaps Go emails (inviting learners to register for a profile or a class) to include your chosen contact.

Screen capture of Bodyswaps Go email footer with arrow highlighting contact email section


When you invite new users to create a profile on Bodyswaps or invite them to participate in a class, they receive an email from detailing how to access their assigned training content. 


By default, these emails include a support email that they can reach out to if they need help (


You are now able to include your own support email address at account level (this will replace in all automated emails) and Admins/Coaches can add an email address for class invites (unique to each class).


Account Level 

Changing the email at account level will allow you to direct Learners to your designated email or individual as their first point of contact, instead of Bodyswaps.

Screenshot of an email invitation to create a new Bodyswaps account, with instructions to click a link to create a password, and contact information at the bottom with an arrow highlighting contact email section


We will need to change this for you so please contact your Customer Success contact or our team at to request this. 


Class Level

Changing the email at class level will allow facilitators to support contact for Learners enrolled in their class. 

This can be updated on each individual class setting page:


Bodyswaps Go class setting page with form fields labeled "Enrollment ends on," "Additional admins," and "Support email" with a placeholder email


On the class invite, the email will appear as below: 

Bodyswaps email invitation, inviting recipient to a training class with a clickable unique URL, a description of Bodyswaps' use of VR and AI for learning, and contact information, highlighted by an orange arrow.


Please note - you can still reach out to Customer Success if you or your learners have questions or technical issues that you can't resolve.

If you don't wish to change the email to your own contact, will be included by default.