Demo mode

Bodyswaps has a demo mode that allows you to quickly test out the app without requiring a full login.

When you first run the app, click on RUN IN DEMO from the Welcome screen.
Bodyswaps welcome screen: the left side displays a welcome message with a button to run in demo, and the right side shows a numerical keypad with digits 1-9, 0, and a delete option, along with a submit button.
This will give you access to our special demo module which is designed to give users a taste of Bodyswaps without being specific to a topic.
Our Demo module includes:

Observation: Spot Non-Inclusive Behaviours (EDI) 

You're meeting 2 colleagues, Sam and Sophie, to catch-up on a project you've been working on together for a while. Your task is to observe and identify Sam's non-inclusive behaviors. 

Conversation: Practice Giving Feedback (Management)

Jeremy displays a range of non-inclusive and poor management practices, having a negative impact on Leonard's morale and ongoing performance.

In this activity, you’ve asked Jeremy for a chat, and will choose from 3 scripted options at each stage in the conversation in an attempt to get him to reflect on his behaviour. 


Free Form: Answer Job Interview Questions (Employability) 

In this activity, Florence or Jeremy pose a common interview question, and the learner then responds in their own words before Bodyswapping and seeing AI-enabled feedback.

Free Form: Give a public presentation (Communication) 

In this simulation, learners practise speaking in front of an audience of 12 virtual peers, before Bodyswapping and seeing AI-enabled feedback.

Free Form: Navigate an Angry Conversation (Healthcare) 

In this activity, the learner must use their skills to calm an angry patient  (Major Sanderson) down and win his patience and cooperation.


In the demo mode you will not be able to login or save your progress. Demo mode remains turned on until you restart the app or complete a module.