Devices Tab

The Devices page is only viewable by Administrators.


From the devices tab you can:

  • Browse a list of all headsets/mobile devices you have Bodyswaps installed on
  • Edit the name of the device to make it easier to remember
  • Change launch settings on the device - for example Kiosk and Demo modes
  • Login anonymously into the Bodyswaps app 
  • Deactivate devices

Screenshot shows an example of devices that have Bodyswaps installed within an organization

Anonymous Login

Whenever a new user signs into a device using a short code, Bodyswaps will automatically register this device in our database. There is no need to activate the app on a new device first.

However, there are some cases when you may want to use an anonymous login rather than login as a particular user, for example: 

  • You are facilitating a session, and are not interested in tracking users or are unable to pre-enroll learners.


Note: this won’t work if your account has a user limit. If you want to have anonymous users, please use the Guest Login function.


Preparing the device

To do this, you will need to either:

  • Run Bodyswaps from a fresh installation
  • Run Bodyswaps, then on the main menu screen, click on Access Code entry button (the 9 dots)

You'll then be prompted by the pop-up shown in the image below: 

Screenshot shows what it looks like in the Bodyswaps app when you go to punch in your access code


Generate an anonymous code

While logged into Bodyswaps Go, go to the Devices page then click Anon Access Code. This will open a window that will show you the six digit code to access on the app, as shown in the image below. Typically, this code is valid for 10 minutes. 


If you run out of time, just click the Refresh Code to create a new one.

Screenshot shows an example of generating an anonymous access code

You'll then enter this code into the app on the device.

From now, you can use Bodyswaps freely within the quotas of your contract. This only needs to be done once.

This device is now operating in anonymous mode.


Renaming the device

Once this is done, the list should update and you’ll see your device appear in your inventory.

By default, devices are identified by a unique ID code, which is a long string of numbers, cryptographically generated. This isn’t very memorable, so you have an opportunity to rename the device if you'd like.

To do so, click on the Pencil icon by the device to open the edit screen and then change the name to something more meaningful.


Screenshot shows what it looks like to change a device name after you've clicked on the Pencil icon

Deactivating a device

If you are no longer intending to use Bodyswaps on a particular device, you can deactivate it and free up that slot for another device. Just click on the trash can icon and confirm you want to remove it.


Next time the app is run on that device, it will go back to unauthorized mode and can only be used in demo mode.


Operating Modes 

Each installation of Bodyswaps on a device can be switched between the following operating modes:
  • Normal
  • Demo
  • Kiosk
Operation modes change how the app behaves when it launches.
You can change the mode by clicking on the pencil icon by the device and using the operation mode drop-down as shown in the image below:
Screenshot shows the pop you receive when editing a device and changing its Operation Mode
Then click Save.

Normal mode

This is the default behavior. Users can log in or out, and access their content.

Demo Mode

When enabled, the app will logout any signed in users and only show the built in demo module.
This is primarily designed for providing quick demos at events or tradeshows.

Kiosk Mode

While enabled, the app will log out any signed in users and show only a single module that has been specified by the administrator.
The administrator can optionally sign in a single enrolled learner by picking one from the drop down list or leave it anonymous.
This is useful if you are running a facilitated session and want a cohort of learners to run a specific module.
Screenshot shows the options you have when setting a device to be in Kiosk mode