GDPR Compliance


The below information details how we address the key components of GDPR. If you believe something is missing below, or if you simply have questions about our GDPR efforts, please email us at ​

Data Subject Rights

Right to Access and Data Portability
Bodyswaps can provide an export of your personal data, or the personal data of one of your end users, upon request. This can be done within the administration portal or send an email to
Right to Erasure
Bodyswaps accepts requests to delete personal data. Please send an email to
Right to Object
Bodyswaps collects limited amounts of personal information about our users in order continuously improve the product . This data is NOT used for any marketing purposes nor shared with any third parties. If you'd like to object to this collection, please send an email to​

GDPR-Relevant Documents

Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy can be found at
Terms of Service
While the Privacy Policy is the most relevant document for GDPR compliance and concerns, our End User License Agreement can be found at (UK/Europe EULA) or (US EULA).
Data Processing Agreement (DPA)
If you require a DPA with Bodyswaps please contact your account manager.


Last updated: July, 2023
  • Google Cloud Services - we store user data in secure backed up databases with redundancy across multiple data centers across the EEA.
  • Microsoft Azure Cognitive - we use speech to text services to provide app functionality and provide personalised feedback.