How can I access my assigned training modules? 

Video Instructions:


Written Instructions: 

After signing in to Bodyswaps Go, click 'My Modules' tab on the navigation bar on the left hand side and either: 

a) Click Get Access Code (blue button, top right-hand corner of the Get Started box) to access the full library.

This will generate a code that you can enter into the Bodyswaps app. 

Screen capture of the "Get Access Code" button


b) Select a module, click the grey Actions button and then click Play Module.

Public speaking training module interface with  a 0% complete progress bar, and an Actions button with a dropdown menu showing options including Play Module, View Learning Journal, View Completion Certificate greyed out.


Next, follow the on-screen instructions to generate a code that you can enter into the app.


Screen capture of the 'Select your device' page for Bodyswaps with options for Oculus Quest, Pico Neo, Vive Focus, iPhone, Android, Mac, Browser, and Windows.


Signing into Bodyswaps in VR using a code

Watch the video below to see how you sign into the app using a code in VR with your virtual hands (holding controllers): 


You can read more about this in our How to Get Started as a Registered Learner article