How to Get Started as a Registered Learner

To start Bodyswaps training, you will need to be able to generate a code to identify yourself in our apps - follow these steps to learn how.

You will also need to have a compatible device with Bodyswaps app installed (see the list of compatible devices and installation instructions), unless you are using the browser version of Bodyswaps.

Please note - there are exceptions to the need to or way you generate a code:

a) if your organisation is using anonymous or guest access

b) you've been invited to join a class (see instructions on how to join a class)

Accessing training via your Bodyswaps Go Account 

Tip: Click on one of the underlined titles above to navigate to the section without scrolling!

Registration invitation email

On the invitation email, please click the link "click here to create a password" to finalise your account registration. Your email will be your username and you can access the Bodyswaps Go website here.

Registering for a Bodyswaps account gives you the chance to browse content at your own pace and come back to top up your skills.

Screen capture of BodyswapsGo invitation and profile creation email with a "CLICK HERE TO CREATE A PASSWORD" button.


Screen capture of BodyswapsGo "Create Login" page showing password and confirm password fields with a submit button at the bottom.


Once you've registered, click here for instructions on accessing the training modules.


If you're wondering why you've been asked to create an account:

If you'd like to register but your organisation does not have access, fill out this form to get in touch


Signing in via our website (Bodyswaps Go)

You'll need to be a registered user to sign in. If you are, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit Bodyswaps Go
  2. Enter your email and the password you previously set up 
  3. Click Submit

Bodyswaps Login Screen,  input fields for Email and Password, Submit button, SSO Sign In, and Forgot Password links.


Once signed in, click here for instructions on accessing the training modules or continue below.



Accessing assigned training modules (via Bodyswaps Go)

Video Instructions:


Written instructions:

After signing in to Bodyswaps Go, click the 'My Modules' tab on the left-hand side and either: 

a) Get Access Code (top right-hand corner) to access the full library.

This will generate a code that you can enter into the Bodyswaps app. 

Screen capture of the "Get Access Code" button in BodyswapsGo


b) Select a module and click 'Actions' and 'Play Module' to begin the selected module.

BodyswapsGo interface showing a "Job interview simulator" module, with an "Actions" dropdown menu listing "Play module," "View learning journal," and "View completion certificate."


Next, follow the on-screen instructions to generate a code that you can enter into the app.

Screenshot of a setup page for Bodyswaps, featuring device selection buttons for various platforms like Oculus Quest, Pico Neo, Vive Focus, iPhone, Android, Mac, Windows, and Browser.


Signing into Bodyswaps in VR using a code

Watch the video below to see how you sign into the app using a code in VR with your virtual hands (holding controllers):