Documents Tab

In some of our training modules, there is an option to use your own documents inside the simulation. For example, you can use your own presentation slides in our Public Speaking and Presentation Skills module like shown in the image below.

Screenshot shows the instructions you'll receive within the Bodyswaps app to upload your own slide deck
To upload your own documents, you will need an account on Bodyswaps Go. If you do not have an account, please visit this Knowledge Centre article.
On the left-hand side is your navigation bar - please select Documents as show in the image below.
Screenshot shows the Documents tab within Bodyswaps Go
This will show you all your uploaded documents. This will be empty the first time.
Click Add File to upload a presentation as demonstrated in the image below. Use the file browser to select your presentation.
We accept presentations in PDF format - note that files must be less than 10Mb in size. If you are using Microsoft PowerPoint or Keynote, please export slides in PDF first.
Screenshot shows the pop-up you'll receive when clicking on Add File
Return to the app, and press Back.
Then, click on the Refresh button at the bottom.
Screenshot shows the presentation options within the Bodyswaps module after you've uploaded your presentation slides
Your presentation should now be visible in the selection of options as shown in the image above.