Enrolling Learners in Classes

Jump to:

1. Manual User Enrolment - Coach or Admin led

2. Bulk Class Enrolment - Admin Led 

3. Self Enrolment - User Led

4. User Progress and Class Management

5. Resending Invites

6. Class Codes

Initial Steps

Create a class (more information on classes here) or click on your existing class name to see all the users enrolled in this class. Unless you have copied members from another class when you created it, this will be empty initially.

If you’ve already added learners, you will see their name and their status in the class (like shown in the image below) - more on this later.

Management interface (Class Tab) screenshot for "Test Class" listing learners, their statuses, and action icons for each.


Normal enrollment - Coach or Admin led 

If the class self-enrollment is disabled, click the ADD LEARNERS button at the top of the list to manually add users. This will reveal a dialog with all the users in your organization, as shown in the image below. 

Screenshot of a user interface for manually adding users to a class, displaying a list of four names with checkboxes.


Tick the users you want to add to the class and then click CONTINUE.

Can’t see a learner here? Use the next page arrows to scroll through your users. Or maybe the learner is already in the class?

Bulk Class enrollment - Admin Led 

When bulk uploading users into the User Tab of your Bodyswaps Go account, Admins have the opportunity to import a spreadsheet of users directly into a class.


Once uploaded, they will appear in the class but they will not have been sent an invite to a) create a password or, b) access the code generation link for the class content. 


Their status will be Requires Invite and you can send these one by one on the class page (using the email icon to the right of the user) or Send Invitations as show in the image below. 

Screenshot showing an interface with an orange 'ADD LEARNERS' button and a dropdown menu with options: Class Enrolment Link, Send Invitations, Data Settings, Export Data, Download Class.

Self enrollment - User Led 

If the class has self-enrollment enabled, then click the ENROLMENT LINK button at the top to reveal your enrolment URL and a QR code (as shown in the image below) that you can download, print, or distribute however you'd like.

This link is specific for this class, but doesn’t change. If you click on this link, it will take you to an enrollment form where the learner will enter their name and email address.

Screenshot of a class enrollment page with a URL link, QR code, and a "Close" button.

Tip: Right click on the QR code and select Save Image to download it to your computer.



Once a learner has been enrolled in the class, the next step is to notify them.

Note: if the learner has self-enrolled, then this process is automatic. 


Bodyswaps will send an invite email to the user at their email address. 

Tip: to make sure they get the email, please make sure emails from bodyswaps.co are not blocked by your spam filters. If they are having persistent problems, you can use our workaround here.


To trigger an invite email, you can either click on the envelope icon next to each learner's name, or, a more convenient option is to use the SEND INVITATIONS button at the top of the window. When clicking on SEND INVITATIONS, you'll receive the pop-up shown in the image below:


Screenshot of the "Send Invitations" dialog box with three buttons labeled CANCEL, UNINVITED, and EVERYONE.


You can choose to invite everyone, or only learners that you’ve not invited already.

Once this is done, you can see the status of who has been sent an invite as their status will update.


Screenshot of a user interface showing "Danny Briar", "test1@bodyswaps.co", "1 INVITE SENT", and icons for deleting and emailing.


Monitoring progress

The purpose of the class is to direct a set of learners to do a specific module within a well-defined time period. This could be all in an online meeting, or set as a homework assignment over a period of time. 


From Bodyswaps Go, you can monitor the status of each learner in the class as shown in the image below.


Screenshot of the web interface showing learner statuses for "Class SoftSkill Development Oct 15th". Two learners require invites.


The possible status messages are:

  • REQUIRES INVITE - learner has been enrolled, but hasn’t received an invite email. You can do this by using the invite function.
  • # INVITE SENT - learner has been sent an invite, but they’ve not started the module yet.
  • STARTED - learner has gone into the module in the Bodyswaps app, but not completed it yet.
  • % COMPLETED - learner has completed the module.

Screenshot of a learner's progress bar at 0% complete with detailed activities showing "Clear Communications (0%)" and "Public Speaking & Presentation Skills (0%)".

To see a more detailed breakdown of the learners activities, you can hover over their completion percentage (as shown in the image above) or click on their name, and it will take you to their activity list. This is a list of events recorded by Bodyswaps.


Learner did not receive an invite email

Sometimes the learner may not get an email from Bodyswaps if there is a strict spam policy on your organization's IT systems. To get around this, you can manually send them an invite code from another email address, SMS, or other messaging system.


In the Class View, click on the key icon next to their name and a code valid for 72 hours will appear.


Class Codes

Your class users can now sign into Bodyswaps using a single code (instead of individual codes), this is well suited to group deployments. 

Step 1: Create your class 

Step 2: Enrol User using your preferred route or toggle on 'allow students to self-register to class' in class log-in options (when setting up your class)

Step 3: Generate the class code from the class page and share with learners.

Step 4:  Learners can select their name from the list if pre-selected, or enter their name/email when joining the class in the app.


These codes are valid for 1 hour at a time.