Classes Tab

The Classes screen is only visible to Coaches and Administrators.


Classes are a convenient way to manage groups of users and also allows you to invite learners to use Bodyswaps in a streamlined way.

When clicking on the classes tab, you are shown a list of all the classes you have created or are an editor of:

Screen capture of the Classes tab showing a list of classes with details including name, modules, members, creation date, creator, and action icons.


On each row, click on:

  • the pencil icon to change the settings of this class.
  • the trash can to delete this class. 
  • the name of the class to see all the enrolled users and their progress.

Use the search bar to filter by any value.


Creating a class



Pop-up window titled "Create Class" with fields for class name, buttons for opening lesson planner, options for enrollment, and an advanced section.


Lesson Planner allows you to read more about the training that you can assign (including a content summary, the languages available, captions available, and any relevant tutor notes) and it will track the estimated duration of the class content based on your selections as shown in the image below. 

Screenshot of the lesson planner interface detailing the "Public Speaking & Presentation Skills" module with selected topics and options to cancel or save the changes. The interface shows with 48 minutes of selected topics out of 68 total minutes for the full lesson.

Note: For our Public Speaking & Presentation Skills module, containing a range of sub-topics, you can select which topics you'd like learners to access as part of the class. 


Updating Class Content

You can change what modules are in the class at any time (even after you've shared the class and have learners enrolled).


Enrolment Options

Class enrol can either be done by the class administrator or there is the option for users to self enrol.

  • Normal enrolment (default) - the class admin adds learners to the class from the list of existing users. Once added, the class admin will need to invite the learner(s) to enrol into the class by selecting the mail icon next to the learner's name. An invitation email is then triggered with instructions on how to join the class. Bulk invitations can be sent by selecting the 3 line icon within the class and then clicking SEND INVITATION.

    Pop-up window for sending bulk invitations with options labeled "CANCEL," "UNINVITED," and "EVERYONE."

Note: Learners must have their name and email address added to Bodyswaps before they can be added to the class this way.


  • Self enrolment - the class admin distributes a unique URL, QR code or class code to learners, who enter their own name and email address and is then added to the class. Anyone with that URL can join the class. To avoid abuse, there are some additional optional controls:
    • to restrict class enrolment to existing users that the admin has added to the system.
    • to restrict email addresses to particular domains, for instance, your organisation’s domain (e.g.
    • to require users to verify their email address by responding to an auto-generated email, prior to joining the class.
    • to cap the number of users who can enrol to this class.


  • Bulk User Enrollment into the Class

If you'd like to be able to bulk import users directly into a class, your account administrators can import users via a csv file on the Users tab and upload these directly to the class that you've created. This is carried out on the User Tab (Bulk user upload instructions here). 


Once added, the class admin will need to invite the learner(s) to enrol into the class by selecting the mail icon next to the learner's name. An invitation email is then triggered with instructions on how to join the class. Bulk invitations to all users in the class can be sent by selecting SEND INVITATION from the Class page.


Greeting Text

You can add an additional greeting text on the enrolment forms. For example, this could link to organisation specific instructions or disclaimers. We advise not to make this too long, but instead link to external documents using HTML.
This greeting will appear for users on the Self Enroll page and/or in the app. 


Copy members from

When you create a new class, you can choose to copy all the members of another class to this one. This avoids having to enrol them again when it's the same group of learners. You can only do this when you first create a class and are not using self-enrolment.

From the drop-down list, select one of your other classes. All the members of this class will be added to your new class.




Additional admins & coaches

When you create a class, you are the owner of that class and normally, only you can see it within Bodyswaps Go. However, you can also assign additional admins and coaches to help manage this class if you'd like. Simply select their names from the drop-down list. 


Support Email

If you would like to act as the first point of contact for Learner support, you can include your email address (instead of in automated system emails to your enrolled learners. 

Screenshot of the Support Email setting interface showing fields for enrolment end date, additional admins, and support email.


On the class invite, the email will appear as shown below: 

Class invitation from Bodyswaps with a facilitator's email address instead of the Bodyswaps support email.




Notification Email

If you would like to receive notification emails when each Learner enrolled in the class completes one of the assigned modules, you can include your email when creating the class as shown in the image below (or you can go back and update an existing class using the pencil icon next to the class page in the Classes tab). 


Screenshot of a class settings form with fields for enrollment date, additional admins, support email, and notification email, alongside cancel and save buttons. The notification email field is highlighted.


Automated email notification informing the recipient of module completion by Tylar Nicklis, with a footer displaying the company name, address, and contact information.

Class Management

Enrolling Learners and monitoring progress is covered in detail here

After the class has been created, you can navigate settings using the options shown in the image below. 

Settings menu interface with buttons for adding learners, statistics, and a dropdown menu for class management options.

To see the class usage and success factors feedback, click on Stats. 


Generating Quick Codes for Learners 

There is a new 'key' icon next to each member in the class.
  • Pressing this will generate a 72-hour access code for that user.
  • This code is displayed in a new column called Quick Code.
  • You can use the Download Class function to download a CSV of all users and their codes.


Class Code

Your class users can now sign into Bodyswaps using a single code, more information in the video below



Downloading Class Data

By clicking Download Class, you can export a CSV file of the learners enrolled in this class as shown in the image below.

Within the exported CSV file, you'll receive: 

  • Learner's names
  • Learner's email addresses
  • Access Codes (if generated) 
  • Assigned module progress

Spreadsheet screenshot displaying columns for names, emails, access codes, and module completion percentages.


Tag Search

You can now search the list of enrolled users in each class using a Tag (set at user level).


Class Learner Tracking in Class Overview 

From Bodyswaps Go, you can monitor the status of each learner in the class as shown in the image below.

The possible status messages are:

  • REQUIRES INVITE - learner has been enrolled, but hasn’t received an invite email. You can do this by using the invite function.
  • # INVITE SENT - learner has been sent an invite, but they’ve not started the module yet.
  • STARTED - learner has gone into the module in the Bodyswaps app, but not completed it yet.
  • % COMPLETED - learner has completed the module - hover over the % complete bar to view more details. 

Screenshot of a 0% complete class progress bar with a tooltip showing 0% completion in Clear Communications and 0% Public Speaking & Presentation Skills modules.


Tracking on an individual's user page in a class

After clicking on an individual student, a progress bar shows how many of the assigned modules that enrolled learner has completed in a class at an individual level as shown in the image below. You'll also be able to see:

  • when they started the module
  • when their progress was last updated
  • when the module was completed
  • a link to their certificate  


Screenshot of Tylar Nicklis's progress on a learning management system, showing 59% complete for 'Public Speaking & Presentation Skills'.


Learner View

You can learn more about the Learner’s view when joining a class by clicking here. You can also share the linked article with them directly.