What's New in Bodyswaps
Content / Modules
Recent Releases
AI Roleplays Beta
Customisable Templates:
- Debating
- Active Listening in Healthcare
AI Roleplay access guide here! 📑
- TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 1: SBAR
- TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 2: Check-Back
- TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 3: CUS
- Increasing Immunization Confidence
- Created in collaboration with American Academy of Pediatrics
- The Job Interview Series module 3 Steps to Answering (Almost) Any Question has been updated to include the STAR technique as an alternative way of structuring interview answers (alongside CAR) with updated LLM features. It has been renamed to 2 Strategies for Answering (Almost) Any Question.
Coming Soon
- Verbal De-escalation of Responsive Behaviours
- Created in collaboration with the Health Association of Nova Scotia
- Using Values to Guide Actions
- Created in collaboration with West Herts College Group and West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 4: Task Assistance
- TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 5: Call Out
For more information, talk to your Customer Success contact.
Features / Platform
Recent Releases
- Accessibility Features
At Bodyswaps, we are dedicated to ensuring that our products and services are as inclusive as possible and that no learner is left behind.
Despite the unique challenges of virtual reality, we are committed to following industry best practices.
Our team has been busy developing advanced accessibility features to support every compatible device type in alignment with WCAG2.2 AA standards.
Learn more about the accessibility upgrades here.
- Class Codes
Simplify the class sign in process and empower your facilitators with our brand new class codes.
These group codes will be valid for one hour at a time and provide even more flexibility on how you add learners to a class - whether they're manually added in advance, they self enrol before the session begins or now, join the class once they're in the app and ready to get started.
Please note: this feature is only available in the latest version of the Bodyswaps app (2.13.0 or above).
See Class Codes in action here.
- MSI Installer:
Bodyswaps can now be installed using an .MSIX file which makes it easier to deploy silently with popular MDMs on Windows devices.
Coming Soon - Major Platform Upgrades
After consulting with over 50 partner institutions on both the facilitation and learning experience, we'll soon be announcing our biggest platform update ever (with the first features due for release in Beta before the end of the year).
Read more here or get a sneak preview by talking to your Customer Success contact today.